One common vision problem that many people suffer from when they get older is presbyopia. You’re probably not familiar with the term, but it is something that almost everyone experiences to some degree after they turn 45. There are numerous treatments available to address presbyopia, and we will be more than happy to discuss these matters during your visit to our Rapid City laser eye surgery center. Let’s briefly look into this issues for the time being so you have a basic understanding of the condition and your options for effective care.
What is presbyopia?
Presbyopia refers to a condition in which it is difficult to see objects that are nearby. Some people mistake this for farsightedness or severe nearsightedness, but it is actually different from traditional refractive error since the cause of the condition involves the lens rather than the cornea. As mentioned above, many people age 45 or older experience presbyopia.
Causes of Presbyopia
Presbyopia is caused by the hardening of the lens of the eye. When the lens is unable to stretch, it becomes more difficult to focus on nearby objects. Weakening of the muscles that control the lens of the eye can also lead to presbyopia. When you meet with our Rapid City eye doctors, a comprehensive eye exam will be performed to determine if you are suffering from presbyopia, a refractive error, or some other form of age-related vision problem.
Symptoms of Presbyopia
The most common symptom of presbyopia is the steady diminution of a person’s near vision without affecting distance vision. Reading books or computer monitors will often be more difficult, while you will notice not chance in your ability to read street signs or freeway signs. Should you notice any sort of vision loss, the team at our Rapid City laser eye care and vision center is here to help.
Treatment of Presbyopia
There are many different kinds of treatments for presbyopia. A common non-surgical option that may be considered is the use of corrective lenses. Bifocals are sometimes an ideal option to consider, though other patients prefer to have two pairs of glasses: one for near vision, the other for distance vision.
Another option to consider is monovision LASIK. Rapid City LASIK
is usually performed in order to improve the overall quality of a patient’s eyesight for near and distance vision. Monovision LASIK, on the other hand, will correct one eye for near vision while the other eye will not be corrected at all. As a consequence, patients will need to wear corrective lenses.
Yet another option to consider is lens implant surgery. This involves replacing the natural lens of the eye with a lens implant. This can help you achieve normal vision again without the need for corrective lenses. We will be sure to discuss all of these potential treatments with you during your visit so that you can make the best possible decision about your vision.